10 Productivity Tips for Self-Employed People (or anyone really)

Staying productive is one of those skills no one teaches you in school but you have to learn. It’s especially important if you’re self-employed or a telecommuter because you usually find yourself performing many different jobs, each with their own set of tasks, during the course of a single day. It doesn’t matter how smart…

5 Ways To Unstall Your Creativity

Most of our work happiness comes from our relationship with ourselves. For example, I recently started working on   a proposal for a non-profit human services organization. As I’m reading and putting all the research together, roughing out each section and making it all coherent, I hit walls that stalled my progress. Last week I…

Just 3 Small Things

I’ll be the first to admit that I get sucked into the Internet. It's a wonderfully empowering tool that can fill my day with distractions, a million little “productive” tasks that matter little, constant interruptions from messages and status updates. Who doesn’t find themselves hopelessly lost in Lolcat, Pintrest or Facebook memes? We are frittering…